Home extensions under permitted development
Need extra space but don’t want to undergo the 8-10 week planning process? A simple, straight-forward home extension under permitted development can help create the kitchen you’ve always wanted, a dining room the whole family can fit into at Christmas, or even a quiet snug to escape it all. Use the diagrams below to see whether your project fits within permitted development rights, how much space you can achieve without planning permission and how much our design packages cost.
(Scroll down for extensions with planning permission.)
What’s included?
Initial consultation
Site measure
Initial design plans
Design meetings
Design changes until you’re happy
Technical plans
Submission to building control
Two hard copy plans (one for your builder) and digital copies
Semi-detached / terraced house with single storey rear extension (£799)
A simple, up-to-three metre single storey extension across the rear of your property
Detached house with single storey rear extension (£849)
A simple, up-to-four metre single storey extension across the rear of your property
Semi-detached house with single storey side extension (£799)
Extend up to half the width of your house at the side of the property
Detached house with single storey side extension (£849)
Extend up to half the width of your house at the side of the property
Semi-detached house with single storey side & rear extensions (£899)
An up-to-three metre rear extension and a side extension up to half the width of your house
Detached house with single storey side and rear extensions (£949)
An up-to-four metre rear extension and an extension up to half the width of the property at the side
Decide you need a bit of an extra space? No problem - we charge just £100 to submit your application to the council for Notification for Prior Approval for a Proposed Larger Home Extension (up to six metres on semi-detached/terraced or eight metres on detached property) or full planning permission. Enquire here.
Home extensions with planning permission
The study you need to start your home business? The master bedroom you’ve been dreaming of? A nursery for your new arrival? We will help you design the perfect extension for your home and walk you through the planning process to ensure you get the space you deserve. Use the diagrams below to find out how much our design packages cost as well as an idea of planning difficulty for single storey wrap around and double storey home extensions.
What’s included?
Initial consultation
Site measure
Initial design plans
Design meetings
Design changes until you’re happy
Submission to council and management for approval
Site location plans
Technical plans
Submission to building control
Two hard copy plans (one for your builder) and digital copies
Semi-detached house with single storey wrap-around (£1099)
A single storey rear and side extension connected together to create a wrap-around on your property
Detached house with single storey wrap-around extension (£1149)
A single storey rear and side extension connected together to create a wrap-around on your home
Semi-detached house with double storey side extension (£1199)
A double storey extension at the side of your semi-detached property
Detached house with double storey side extension (£1249)
A double storey extension at the side of your detached property
Semi-detached house with double & single storey extensions (£1349)
A double storey side extension and a single storey rear extension on your semi-detached property
Detached house with double and single storey extensions (£1399)
A double storey side extension and a single storey rear extension